Kamis, 31 Oktober 2013

My First Climbing : Sindoro

29 Maret 2013 bisa jadi hariku yang paling menyenangkan. seorang Rizqie Oktanti Triandari naik gunung sindoro hahaha

Sindoro adalah gunung tinggi pertama yang aku daki, setelah dua gunung kecil (gunung Andong dan gunung api Nglanggeran)
Jujur, tanpa bantuan teman2 Kopmapala UNY, aku ga akan bisa naik (lebay)
spesial thanks to Angki dan mas Harun :)

 Ini mas Harun. Dia satu regu dengan aku. Udah bantu aku banyak dari atas. Tangannya selalu menengadah ketika aku bilang "Mas minta tolong..." makasih mas Harun :)

Dan ini Angki. Dia satu regu juga denganku. Dia berada di belakangku dan meneriaki "Ayo mbak Kiki pasti bisa!" setiap aku capek :D

Pengalaman pertama naik gunung bareng Kopmapala. ya walaupun nggak sampai ke puncak (karena stak di pos 3 hehe) yang penting aku bahagia bersama alam (ceilah)

Moment indah buatku adalah ketika perjalanan menuju ke Sindoro. Kebetulan kita dari Jogja Sore karena waktu itu hujan lumayan gede jadi di perjalanan sampai Magelang udah lumayan malem. tapi aku suka suasananya. aku suka harumnya perjalanan. aku suka keceriaan waktu itu. dan untungnya aku sempat mengabadikannya :)
Sejak saat itu, setiap berpapasan dengan orang-orang yang ber-Carrier naik motor, aku kebayang-bayang dengan kenangan waktu ke Sindoro. Indah :)

Dan saat-saat mendebarkan adalah saat menunggu datangnya Matahari terbit. Karena yang jaga di pos 3 waktu itu Aku, Tiara, dan mas Wiwid, jadi kita hanya melihat Sun Rise dari Pos 3 sambil memikirkan teman-teman yang sudah di puncak bagaimana ya? pasti keren banget indahnya!
Udah sih gitu aja.

A Letter

Bukan apa-apa sih. cuma surat yang mungkin belum terbaca oleh si penerima. Sudah tertulis sejak 18 April 2012. Entah siapa gerangan yang menulis surat setulus ini :)

"Hampir 3 bulan ini aku sudah berusaha untuk melupakanmu dengan kesibukanku sekarang ini. Tapi bila sendiri tiba, selalu teringat. Jangankan sendiri, ramai pun aku selalu ingat. Maaf, tapi mungkin aku sendiri tidak bisa melupakanmu, jika dipaksakan aku bisa gila. Maaf jika aku sayang padamu. Aku sayang bukan berarti menginginkanmu. Walaupun ada rasa seperti itu, tapi aku tidak pernah memaksamu untuk menyukai dan mencintaiku. Aku bahkan tidak akan marah jika kamu masih mengharapkan dia yang kamu cintai. Aku tidak pernah memintamu mencintaiku, aku hanya ingin kamu mengetahui perasaan ini karena sungguh, aku tidak bisa lagi menyangkal kalau aku tidak mengagumimu. Mungkin perasaanku ini berlebihan, tapi aku pun pernah berusaha untuk melupakan bahkan menghapusnya dari diriku. Tapi sekali lagi maaf, aku tidak bisa. Aku hanya tidak ingin tenggelam oleh perasaan sepihak ini. Aku ingin kamu mengetahuinya. Tapi entahlah, aku merasa kamu sudah mengetahuinya, namun kamu berusaha untuk menghindar. Atau bahkan acuh? Jujur, aku ingin sekali mengatakannya, tapi tidak tahu bagaimana caranya. Kita sudah sama-sama dewasa. Aku pun tidak bisa mengelak bahwa aku menyukaimu sudah sejak lama, hampir 6 tahun yang lalu. Sungguh jika kamu mengetahuinya. Aku sayang padamu. Segala hal buruk yang orang lain katakan tentangmu, bahkan dari dalam hatiku sendiri pun, aku akan menolaknya dan berkata itu hanya sikap sementaramu saja. Selebihnya kamu sangat berarti dan istimewa. Suatu hari nanti, jika kita tidak ditakdirkan untuk bersama, aku berharap kamu menemukan wanita yang sungguh-sungguh kamu sayangi dan cintai. Mungkin, rasa ini hanya bisa diketahui aku dan Tuhan saja. Tapi bagiku sudah cukup. Melihatmu senang aku juga merasa senang. Sekarang aku pun tahu apa arti mencintai."

Jumat, 24 Mei 2013

Bangkok, We Are Comiiiing!

Alhamdulilah, 24 Mei 2013 seorang Rizqie Oktanti Triandari bisa ke Bangkok. Jujur ini pengalaman pertama kali naik pesawat, dan gak tanggung2 tujuannya langsung ke Bangkok. Dalam hati cuma bersyukur, bersyukur, dan bersyukur aja isinya :)

Oke, akan saya ceritakan kenapa bisa sampe ke Bangkok. Well, ada suatu acara namanya Youth Peace Ambassador 6 (YPA6) semcam forum ato perkumpulan yg se-ASEAN gitu.. nah kampusku (UNY) ngadain seleksi untuk bisa mewakili UNY dan juga Indonesia untuk didelegasikan kesana. Alhamduliah nya saya lolos seleksi Administratif ( Bikin Paper minimal 1000 kata tentang "What is your best achievemnet in your lifr, so far?") dan seleksi wawancaranya.
so, that would be first experience going to Thailand actually.
Perjalanan dijadwalkan berangkat dari Adi Sucipto pukul 10.10. tapi yah..delay gitu sampe akhirnya jam 13.00 baru take off menuju Soekarno Hatta. sampe sana nunggu2 gak jelas. nah, ada kisah menarik sih. jadi waktu antri cek paspor, kan harus antri agak jauh tu (ada bates line nya) aku nyelonong aja gt ngalamun. haha, trus masnya marah2 gak jelas. setelah diperiksa aku bilang makasih dengan nada ketus. well, that was one of bad service in Indonesian airport (even that was my fault, he didn't do that kind of thing)
Lanjutt. pukul 18.30 akhirnya tiba di suvarnabhumi airport :)

oya, sebelumnya ada beberapa foto2 bagus bgt ketika lagi di pesawat. Aku bisa bener2 liat anak gunung krakatau, bukit barisan, sungai Chao Praya (Thailand) dari atas. Amazing.
Sampe di suvarnabhumi airport kita jalan. this is special walks because we need to walk along the suvarnabhumi airport (you can see how long this airport is) udah gitu dilanjuti antri. nah, satu hal positif dari Thailand adalah budaya antrinya keren banget lah. walau orang2nya "in a rush" tapi mereka tetep stand on the line. Yah, beda negara beda positif n negatifnya sih. tapi ini bisa buat pelajaran kita2 yang ada di Indoseia. sesibuk apapun urusan, kalo antri, ya harus antri. hoho

oke, setelah keluar dari bandara, kita ke salah satu hotel yang ada di Silom Street, namanya Narai Hotel. Lumayan enak hotelnya :) Oya disini 1 Bath nya setara sama Rp 350,- dan kita naik taxi dari suvarnabhumi ke hotel sekitar 270 Bath. yah, sekitar Rp 90.000,- itu udah termasuk murah soalnya kita ber 13 dan perjalanan sekitar 30-45 menit gt (untuk ukuran ibukota ini murah banget). Dan... taxi nya sempet bau2 melati. ternyata emang sengaja di pasangin bunga melati gt biar wanginya natural, dan supir taxi nya gak tanggung2, mereka berseragam rapi jali kayak mau ngantor. padahal itu posisinya jam 11 malem. Satu lagi, dia langsung tanya ke kita nomer telfon hotelnya n langsung telfon. Totalitas banget kan? beda kayak di tanah air (sekali lagi bukan bermaksud menjelek2kan tp semoga ini bisa jadi motivasi kita).
Udah nyampe htel, langsung tepar deh satu2 ke kasur. capek maksimal 15 jam muter2 gak jelas. eh, ya jelas sih sebenernya tapi intinya capek.

oya, satu hal yg musti diketahui, walau di Thailand, tp aku makannya nasi goreng, telor, dan teman2nya. bukannya gmn2 tapi disini daging babi ada hampir di setiap makanan, so we need to be careful choosing food to be comsum and do not hesitate to ask first.

My New YPA6 friends from Yogyakarta State University:
1. Latifah Al Hakimi
2. Ardita Makhatus Solihah
3. Rizqa Devi Anafiza
4. Gurnito Dwidagdo (the leader)
5. Frank Aligard (don't be tricked because of his name, he's originally from Klaten. haha)
6. Hafian Fuad (my friend in English department)
7. Harun (long name? Haruuuuuuuuuuuuun)
8. Ihwanul Hakim (biasa di panggil Inul :p)
9. Wahyu Ibnu Nurhuda (silent man :P)
10. Ahmad Muawal Hasan (si jurnalis)
11. Saya sendiri :D (ankop -> anak kopma)

Dosen yang mendampingi : Pak Agus dan Bu Ratna :))
That was precious moment in my Life. Yang membuat aku selalu bersyukur adalah berterimakasih sama Allah karena Allah memberiku seorang ibu yang selalu mendoakan anak2nya menggapai impian dan cita2. dan doa ibu saya telah dikabulkan :)

Sabtu, 11 Mei 2013

my Gladiool High School story

hi, long time no see... biasa..orang sibuk.. (bilang aja males ngepost hehe :p)

oke, pokok pembicaraan kita di post-an kali ini adalah temen2 semasa SMA. yup. dulu aku sekolah di SMAN 1 Magelang a.k.a Gladiool High School. kenapa kok gladiool high school? kayak nama sekolah di luar negeri itu? #plak  yaa karena ada di daerah Gladiool gitu. salah satu nama daerah elite di magelang (bukan ekonomi sulit loh) hahaha. topiknya menyimpang nih.
well, too many friends i had while studying here.. mulai dari kelas 1 SMA, masuk di kelas 10-5 (di sini sebutan urutan kelas menurut nomer, bukan abjad) trus kelas 2 dapet 11-IS-3 (gagal masuk IPA gara2 nilai Kimia nya remidi. wkwkwk :D masa lalu) finally di kelas 3 tetep lanjut di sos-3 jadilah 12-IS-3...

nah, ini dia temen2 akuh waktuh kelash satuwh duluwh (kenapa jd alay?)

Dulu waktu kelas 1 kita sepakat namain kelas kita TSELIKOER. apa itu? Tselikoer is TSEpuluh LIma KOERen. hahahaha sumpah, kenapa baru sekarang aku mikir tu nama alay banget ya? ya maklum kita masih teenager kala itu jadi maklum aja gitu. haha
nah coba tebak aku yg mana? hihihi. dulu belum pake jilbab, jadi masih sering kucir kepang dua gitu #poseunyu
Disini aku dapet seonggok sahabat (sebenernya udah kenal dari 1 SMP sih haha ), namanya Imam Andrian Risoyo (beruntung bgt lah dia dapet jackpot aku tulisin namanya di sini --')

 Dulu kita kompak banget loh (tau deh sekarang :p) hahaha. dia sekarang kuliah di UGM, aku di UNY. jarang banget ketemu yah karena kesibukan masing2. banyak sih sahabat yg aku dapet. di post-in lain kali yee. hwehehe.

oke, kita naik kelas ke kelas 11-IS-3 jreng jreng jreng...
di kelas ini, karena kita udah penjurusan ke bidang IPS (katanya sih buangan IPA huuuu), maka, kita namain kelas kita SOETRISNO. apa itu? SOEs Telu IS numero uNO. kali ini gak ada toleransi. BENER2 ALAY. wkwkwk. gpp, toh masih muda. hihihi.
Di kelas yang baru ini aku dapet temen2 baru.. :)

Katanya, kelas 2 sma itu masa2nya main2, seneng2 karena masa peralihan kelas 1 yang cupu dan kelas 3 yg musti harus nyiapin otak buat ujian. haha, emang sih di kelas 2 ini aku sering maen, belajar juga gak banget2 seriusnya :p

naik ke kelas 3, kita gak berubah alias gak ganti temen2 lagi. jadi di kelas 3 kita 2 tahun bersama, tambah kompak, tambah narsis, tambah gebetan #eh pokoknya serba tambah (termasuk BB --')

nih, waktu kita sesi foto2 buat album kenangan kita #cieileeh

Bahagia itu sederhana,kawan :)

Kamis, 06 September 2012

It's OK if you don't love me - a novel

Title                             : It’s OK If You Don’t Love Me
Genre                          : Fiction – Romantic
Author                                    : Norma Klein
Publisher                    : The Dial Press, New York
Year                             : 1977
Length of page           : 202 pages

Character :
1.      Jody                  : The main character, a girl who loves sport especially tennis.
2.      Lyle                   : Jody’s friend, loves tennis too, chivalrous, wise.
3.      Whitney            : Jody’s ex-boyfriend.
4.      Elizabeth           : Jody’s mother.
5.      Eric                   : Jody’s brother.
6.      Philip                : Jody’s stepfather.
7.      Elliott                : a friend of Jody’s mother.


Lyle and Jody are playing tennis in the court.  They are talking during the play.  Jody really likes Lyle’s smile.  Maybe she shouldn’t say that to mean he’s nice.  Jody likes Lyle because Lyle is not New Yorker.  He didn’t grow up in New York City.  He is tall and sort of gangling, with greenish eye, he always choosing his words very carefully, unlike Jody who is just kind of blurt things out.
Lyle comes from Ohio.  He just moved to New York a few months ago.  Jody met him t Sloan-Kettering, the laboratory where they both worked over the summer.  He’s going into his last year of High School, like Jody, and they have a program for senior who are interested in science.  It was terrific job, Jody even got paid, though she’d have done it for free just for the experience.  Lyle worked at a lab down the hall from the one she was in, and they really didn’t get to know each other that well, but once at lunch, which everyone ate at that cafeteria down stairs, he said something about not knowing how to get a tennis permit, and they got to talking about it.  Jody went with him one day to the Arsenal, where he got one.  Today’s the first day they’ve played.  Their jobs ended a week ago, and school starts pretty soon.  He’s going to Bronx Science.  Jody goes to a private school called Talbot that she’s gone to since she was in third grade.

One day after they have played tennis, they talk each other in some garden beside the river.  Jody tells about her family and Lyle does too.  He leans back and looks across the river.  And he begins to tell about him to Jody.  He talks about his family that his parents died six months ago.  They were in a car crash.  That’s why he is there.  He is living with his sister.  She’s married.  He wants to go to Yale.  He will apply there, Princeton or Haverford.  He has to get a scholarship.  After a few minutes he said that his sister’s apartment is sort of small and they just had a baby, so it isn’t so ideal in term of space.  He could’ve stayed in Ohio and lived with the family of his best friend, Kent, but Renee wanted him to come to stay with them because her husband got a job there.  His family left some money to Lyle, but not a lot.  That’s why Lyle really wants get that scholarship.  His father taught biology at a small college. The salaries weren’t too high and his mother gave flute lessons.
Jody tries to imagine what that would be like.  Having no family left except Eric, her brother.  Her family is a little different, but still she could see it would be sort of horrible.  Jody’s family were in San Francisco for a while when she was little, only it didn’t work out that well.  Her mother was just twenty four or so.  She said she was much too young when she got married.  So one day she just split and took off for California, not even knowing anyone or anything.  She guesses that was kind oh the point.  To go somewhere she didn’t know anyone.
Jody starts to tell about her father.  Her father stayed behind in Scarsdale.  He was setting up his practice there, he’s a Dentist.  Her father and her mother had broken up.  So, she still lives in Scarsdale with his wife and their kids.  And she tells about Elliott.  He is her mother’s friend who lives with them.  He was married, only now, he’s not divorced exactly, but he’s separated.  His wife doesn’t want to give him a divorce.  After that, she tells about Philip too.  Philip is her stepfather. Her mother married Philip.  He lives right near there.  He teaches physics at Columbia.
Jody thinks that whenever she tells about the saga of her life, she can tell they’re feeling sorry for her.  Partly they’re thinking: Poor thing, her parents split when she was such a tender age, a mere babe, as it were.  But in fact, she was repressing it, but to tell the truth, she can’t even remember much about her whole time in California.  She was only three when they went there.  Eric was one and a half and five when they came back.  Even of her mind is that it was then her mother started working at this literary agency before she set up her own with her friend Harietta.  Before she always used to be at home during the day and after that she almost never was.
When her mother and Philip broke up, she did take it pretty hard.  She was eight when they got married and thirteen when they split, and even though her mother says those five years were the hardest of her life, for Jody they were kind of nice.  Jody really liked Philip a lot.  She was still at the age then when she hoped he mother would stop working and have more babies.  Her mother said that her main problem is that up till now she always married the men she fell in love with.  Now she realizes “you can love someone but maybe not be suited to live with them”.  It’s not that she regrets the other marriages.
After it, Lyle wants to get back.  Renee likes him back at six.  So he offered Jody to walk home, but Jody told him she’d just take the bus down river side.  Otherwise he would have had to go way out of his way, since his sister lives in the Bronx.  Jody doesn’t know anyone who lives in the Bronx. In fact she has hardly ever been there.  To her it seems almost like another state.
On the way home, Jody started thinking about Lyle’s being an orphan.  She never met an orphan before. She doesn’t think people are orphan as much as they used to be, or maybe it’s just you doesn’t hear about it.  Though she supposes it’s different to be one starting at seventeen than starting when you’re a baby.  The thing with Lyle is that you can tell he doesn’t say right out what he feels about things, but you know he does feel them.  It’s just sort of buried way down somewhere.  Jody would have liked to ask more about his parents, what they were like and how he got along with them, but when he started to talk about it, his voice got sort of tight, like it was painful for him.  The funny part is she could tell him felt about her family the way she did about his, as though her mother’s being divorced twice made her practically like an orphan.  But she supposes he doesn’t realize that there in New York everyone’s parents they started out with.  It just seems to be extremely rare.  So she doesn’t think of their setup as being that odd or unusual.  And she’s glad her mother is not marrying Elliott.  Not because she wouldn’t want her mother to get divorced again, but he’s just kind of ponderous.  He’s a psychology professor, and he has all these really out mode ideas about women, which she’d think would bother her mother.

On weekend, Jody took the subway up to Lyle’s sister’s house.  It was way far up, around two hundred and something street.  They live in one of those small houses, the kind with about five six stories, and she had to walk up because there wasn’t any elevator.  There were papers in the hall and the walls needed painting.  Lyle was wearing white sweater and chinos and his tennis sneakers.  It was a cool day for late August.  He took me into the kitchen and made grilled-cheese and bacon sandwiches.  Lyle starts to tell about Kitty, Renee’s baby.  Her name is Katherine, but that’s what they call her.  Renee was a Math teacher, but she gave it up when Kitty was born.  Renee said she wanted to devote herself to the baby till the baby’s three or four.  Lyle shows Jody the rest of the apartment and it is true, it’s really small.  There is what Jody guesses is the master bedroom, but it’s not like the one her mother and Elliott share, where there’s room for a desk and an extra chair and everything.  This one just a double bed, which about took up the whole room.  There is a TV in one corner on a bureau, and that’s all.  The baby’s room was even smaller, just a crib with a mobile hanging over the bureau and some kind of changing-table thing.
They go back into the living room and sit down on the couch.  As Jody said, to her privacy is pretty important so she really feels sorry for Lyle.  She would hate sleeping in a room without even a door.  Renee had just told that she was pregnant when Lyle’s parents were in the accident.  Lyle was the type who would find a way of making even a situation like that seem not so bad.  She’s not sure she’d be that adaptable.  Jody looks around at the rest of the room.  On the piano were some photos.  Those are Lyle’s parents.  Lyle looks like his mother.  She was not as tall, but had that some expression, sort of serious and a little puzzled, as though she was trying to fit everything together.  His father was tall and thin with a dark moustache, and he was laughing.
Every year Jody goes to the U.S Open with Philip at Forest Hills for the quarter or semifinal.  This year Jody asked if she could bring Lyle and Philip said sure.  First thing that Jody’s thinking about Philip is hi was practically the ugliest person she’d ever seen.  He looked almost like a monster to her.  He’s about six feet like an albino and his hair is that sort of whit-blond that people can only see on little kids.  Philip lives by himself in this horribly messy apartment near Columbia.  During the tennis matches Jody sat between Lyle and Philip.  We watched for a couple of hours, men’s singles, than men’s doubles, than the women’s singles.  Philip says he likes watching women play more than men, and usually Jody does too, only this day there was a long, very dull match between Chrissy Evert and Virginia Wade.  It wasn’t very interesting.  Jody keeps looking at Lyle, wondering what he was thinking.
Afterward Philip takes them back to his place for supper.  He made spaghetti, which is all he ever makes.  The only difference is that sometimes he makes meat sauce and something clam.  Jody’s seeing Lyle glancing around the living room and the bedroom.  There were stacks of books and papers piled knee-deep all over the place as usual, and there was a queer, musty smell.  Philip always forget to open the windows.

Lyle and Jody had been planning to go to a movie, but evidently his sister was counting on him baby-sitting, so Jody said she’d go up and keeps him company.  Renee was tall and slightly thin with brown hair, darker than Lyle’s, pinned up in back.  She looked nervous and had one of those quick, soft voices where you had to listen carefully to hear everything she said.  Her husband was quite handsome, though not in the way Jody likes.  He was sort of chunky with square features and thick black hair.  His name is Wesley.
As they are going out, Lyle and Jody watch TV in the bedroom for a while then they go into the living room and start making out on the couch.  Jody starts having a fantasy that they were a teen-age couple that had to get our baby, Kitty.  After we put Kitty back, they go back to the living room.
Lyle says that he’s just sure he’s love with Jody.  Jody knows it, she says she doesn’t care if he loves her or not.  Lyle feels so sorry.  He thinks that they just have to know each other better.  He wants to have love-affair with Jody, but he wants Jody to know the problem is about his parents.  He just feels like this year is going to be pretty tough for him.  He’s just got to get a scholarship and works hard and yet to start all over with teachers who don’t know him and underneath, he supposes, he’s afraid of going to pieces.  What he’s really afraid of is if they start having an affair and it doesn’t go well.  It might be kind of throws him, and he just can’t afford that right now.  Jody knows it.

Jody’s mother are going to have the operation in January, and then two weeks later she and Elliott are going away for a week to some island in the Caribbean to relax.  At first, she wasn’t sure if it would be okay to leave Eric and Jody home alone.  In the past when she’s gone away, Jody and Eric have stayed with her mother’s friend, Harietta, or her younger brother, Howard.  Jody’s mother and Elliott left on their trip on Friday evening.  On Saturday Lyle and Jody are planning to go to a folk-music concert.  Jody used to play guitar and even took lessons for a couple of years at school.  She stopped the lesson, but she still plays sometimes, mostly alone in her room.  The concert was good.  Afterward, they went out for pizza and beer.  They didn’t get back to the apartment till almost two.  Lyle looked around the living room.  Suddenly, Lyle asks to Jody what if he loves her.  Jody answers that it will ok, she loves Lyle too.  And they get a relation that night.
Jody’s mother always says that men can’t help having illusions about women and that you’d go crazy trying to make them give them up.  So if Lyle really and truly wants to think of her as a “good” person, she supposes it doesn’t hurt to let him.  It’s not that she thinks she’s a bad person, even, it’s more that she would have thought, say, if she were describing herself to someone who’d never met her, to list “goodness” as one of my major attributes.

The second week of April, Jody was sick for most of the week.  She hadn’t been sick for that long in more than two years.  In the third day, when she was debating if she should go in for a day of school, the letter came from Cornell and Swarthmore.  She got into both of them!  Cornell she had applied to more as security, but she was pretty nervous about Swarthmore.  Jody gets home late at Thursday, almost at supper time.  The second she opened the door, her mother came bounding out of the kitchen, a huge smile on her face.  She pulled this letter out from behind her back.  Jody could see from the stationery it was the letter from Radcliffe.  Her mother was really happy that her daughter got letter from Radcliffe.  But Jody wasn’t.  She doesn’t like Radcliffe to be her next college.  Her mother stared at her and asked what she was talking about.  She didn’t believe that Jody would prefer Swarthmore than Radcliffe.
Lyle got into all the places he applies to, but Haverford id the only one that offered him a more or less full scholarship, so he’s going there.  He knew Jody was planning to go to Swarthmore.  At the end of the week, Jody went to her mother and told her she’d thought it over and had decided that she’d be happier at Swarthmore and her mother said “Ok”.

Someday, on May 14th each year Jody’s school has an event called Alumni Day.  Not all the alumni come back.  She had the feeling that Whitney, her ex-boyfriend, might be one of the ones to come back.  When she got to school that morning, she wasn’t really surprised to see him standing in the front hall.  Jody and Whitney were talking and make some dating that night.  Jody feels guilty though, mainly in relation to Lyle. 
The following night, which was a Saturday, she’d agreed to go up to Lyle’s sister’s apartment and baby-sit with him.  Frankly, that night, Lyle knows that Jody had ever slept with Whitney.  Lyle’s very angry and they broke up.

Finally, day by day they never talk each other.  One night, Jody can’t sleep.  She suddenly get this tremendous urge to talk to Lyle.  Jody says that she’s really sorry for that night with Whitney.  She’s repenting for her sins.
The following day, no one was home.  The apartment was completely silent.  Jody started into her room, when she saw a note in Eric’s hand-writing.  He’d tape it into the refrigerator.  “Meet Lyle at the court”, it said.  So, Jody decided to go to the court.  When she got to the court, she could see Lyle playing.  He was playing doubles with three other men.  Jody walked over to the side of the court and sat on the hall, looking down, watching him playing.
He didn’t see Jody.  He was too intent on the game.  She began feeling excited, despite herself, and then mad that just a little call from him could have that effect on her.  It’s funny about couples.  It’s not that she thinks the only relationship is the kind that last for all time.  Maybe it’s sort of romantic, to want that.  But she wish she could be looking back ten years from now so she could know if Lyle will be someone important, someone who’s still there, or someone whom she’ll just remember because he was the first.  Not the first in one sense, but the first in term of being all-out in love.


Love is magic.  When people felt in love, the word seems brighter and more beautiful.  Lyle and Jody are the couple who knows about love.  Jody was eighteen when she felt in love with Lyle.  Maybe she had a sin with Whitney, but she knows her last love is Lyle.  If Jody told to Lyle about Whitney with patient and guilty, Lyle would forgive Jody and they’re still in their relationship.  But Lyle is a different person.  He didn’t grow up in New York where having sex without marrying is usual thing there.  So, he felt angry when he knew that Jody was one of the New Yorker who did that thing.